The Shore & Lake Corporation│The Jas. Jay Smith Company

About The Shore & Lake Corporation
The Shore & Lake Corporation and The Jas. Jay Smith Company had major developments from New Jersey to Maine. Some of the larger and most significant developments include
Say-Brooke Manor, Old Saybrook, CT
Groton Long Point, Groton, CT
Point O’Woods Beach, Old Lyme, CT
Pond Point Beach, Milford, CT
Surfside Beach, Old Orchard, Maine
Kinney Shores, Saco, Maine
Grove Beach Point, Westbrook, CT
White Sand Beach, Old Lyme, CT
Giant Neck Beach, East Lyme, CT
Cornfield Point Beach, Old Saybrook, CT
Black Point Beach, Old Lyme, CT
Old Lyme Shores, Old Lyme, CT
Sound View Shores, Old Lyme, CT
Lake Hayward, East Haddam, CT
as well as properties in
Queens, Staten Island & parts of
Long Island & New Jersey.
The Shore & Lake Corporation was dissolved on August 14, 1964 and all of the assets of the corporation (including easements) were retained by the heirs. This ownership was upheld in a decision by the Superior Court J.D. of Middlesex at Middletown, Connecticut in 2015.